Doggy Dinners
Doggy Dinners are a mixture of all natural,100% Real; ground turkey, white rice, brown rice, raw vegetables, oatmeal, flaxseed meal, apples, and organic herbs. Doggy Dinners are fully cooked, frozen in individual servings. All our products are made by us with all natural ingredients only from the U.S.A. :)

About us
Homemade Doggy Dinners is a family owned & operated business based in Southern California. Twin sisters, Brittain & Courtney, are the founders & visionaries of this innovative approach to dog food. The inspiration for Homemade Doggy Dinners stems from a time when their family dog, Max suffered from diabetes & organ dysfunction. The girl’s mother created an original recipe of homemade dog food for Max & they witnessed first-hand a dramatic shift in his health